Monday, November 13, 2023

The Heavenly City of God

John concludes Revelation 21 by pointing out the absolute glory of the heavenly city of God, indicating just how glorious heaven will be: "But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light" (vv. 22-23).

All of God's people, all who have been saved by the blood of Christ, will walk in the light of God's glory forever (v. 24). Heaven has no temple, because there we will have the Lord God, Father and Son, whom we will worship. There is neither sun nor moon because the light comes from God. He is our light. Jesus is our light. 

Heaven will be so glorious that the city gates of this heavenly city of God will remain open every day, all day. In fact, "there shall be no night there" (v. 25). So the gates are always open. Anything that brings honor and glory will be allowed in (v. 26). But anything evil or sinister, "anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie" (v. 27a) will not be allowed to enter this heavenly city of God. Only the people of God, "those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life" (v. 27b), will be allowed to enter this glorious heavenly city of God. All glory and honor will be brought into the holy city through its gates which are never shut. No bad thing will find entrance. Heaven is all good and only true believers, God’s true people, will be there.

Of course, no description of heaven would be complete without mentioning the tree of life. Revelation 22 indicates that the tree of life is right in the center of everything. Coming directly from God's heavenly throne is "a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal" (v. 1). This river of life was flowing right down the middle of the street, and the tree of life was on either side of the river, apparently twelve such trees because they yield twelve different fruits with "each tree yielding its fruit every month" (v. 2a). Its leaves were used for healing (v. 2b), not likely the idea of healing a wound or curing a disease, but the idea of therapy that promotes good health and wellness.

There will be no more curse (v. 3a). God and Jesus will be in our midst and we will serve Him (v. 3b). We will see Jesus face to face and our foreheads will bear His name (v. 4). We are His people and He will lay claim on each one of us by engraving His name on our foreheads. Jesus will make it clear that we are His people.

Again, what a beautiful place! Let your imagination run wild with the thought of heaven. It is the most beautiful and peaceful place you could ever imagine. The crystal clear “water of life” coming from the throne of God, the throne of Jesus, with the “tree of life” growing on either side of the river. The curse is gone! We will see Jesus face to face and serve Him gladly. No night, no day; God lights the way. No pain, no sorrow, no tears, just pure joy and blessing. And most importantly, heaven is forever! Just imagine; spending all eternity in the presence of Jesus. Amen.

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