Wednesday, November 29, 2023


What do you think of when you hear the word "hope"? What comes to mind? Christmas will be here soon. Is there something special that you really hope to receive? Or as you plan for the future, is there some particular place you really hope to visit, or something you hope to be able to do?

Sunday, December 3 will be the first Sunday of Advent. There are four consecutive Sundays of Advent leading up to Christmas day, each with a Bible theme. The theme this Sunday is HOPE.

There are many directions we could go with this, but I would like to consider our hope in Christ. There are several different Scriptures that speak of hope, but I would like to look at one that we probably don't often think of in terms of hope. Here it is:

But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength; 
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

 We don't always think of this verse because we don't always think about needing renewed strength. As you grow older, you tend to tire easier. You need endurance. If you are young and active in athletics, you need muscle strength and coordination. When facing hard or trying times, you need mental or even spiritual strength. Let's look at the passage.

The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew. In ancient Hebrew, to "wait" (v. 31a) means to wait actively with anticipation, hopefully watching for God to act. We pray for our needs, strength, or endurance, then we actively wait on God's answer, knowing that He will give you the strength you need.

"Strength" (v. 31b) refers to power, might, or fierceness. However, this same Hebrew word also can refer to courage. In fact, courage is derived from strength, but not strictly from physical strength. It is God's strength, spiritual strength that the Lord supplies.

Note how Isaiah describes this inner spiritual strength and courage. "They shall mount up with wings like eagles" (v. 31c). Eagles fly high and fast, swooping down quickly for their prey, then back up they go high in the sky. That takes strength beyond measure, the type of strength God promises to give you when you wait on Him, trusting Him by faith and placing all hope in Jesus.

God also promised to give you endurance when you wait on Him. Isaiah said that when your hope is in God and you wait on Him, He will take care of you. Specifically, Isaiah said, "They shall run and not be weary" (v. 31d). Getting your second wind from the Lord ls an amazing experience.

Finally, Isaiah said, "They shall walk and not faint" (v. 31e). Again, in ancient Hebrew, the word "faint" means to be grieved or tormented or fatigued. Isaiah said, however, that if your hope is in Jesus, you trust in Him as your Lord and Savior, and you walk with Him daily, you will never tire. You will never tire of worshiping and serving Jesus. Amen.

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