Thursday, March 19, 2020

What Are You Fishing For?

Be in prayer for this nation and the entire world as we seek to curtail the spread of the coronavirus. We here at Bethel Baptist Church in Stanzel have canceled all services and activities for the remainder of March in keeping with the declaration of Iowa's governor. When we will resume regular services depends on when it is deemed safe to do so.

In the meantime, my Sunday morning messages have been recorded and posted to my podcast at, which can be reached by clicking on the "Sermons" tab above. There you can listen to any of my past messages here at Stanzel. You can catch any message you may have missed and you can get up to date on the current series I am preaching through in Genesis. The podcast will resume when our morning worship services resume.

I will try to be more diligent in posting new "Bible Insights" here on my blog. And now to today's Bible Insight:

You may recall from last week that Jesus, after His resurrection, appeared a third time to His disciples. He was on the shore at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1). Jesus picks up the conversation: "Have you any food?" (v. 5a). "No," they replied (v. 5b). "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some," said Jesus (v. 6a). So they did, and they did. It made no sense, but they cast the net as instructed and they hauled in a great catch (v. 6b).

Now they realized, "It is the Lord!" (v. 7a). So Peter, of course, dove in and swam to shore (v. 7b), while the others brought the boat (v. 8). Now catch the scene. Look at the moment. Jesus is already cooking fish and offered no explanation (v. 9). No one dared ask either, "knowing that it was the Lord" (v. 12b).

A second question is implied here: What are you fishing for? What is it you are trying to catch? Are you trying to catch fish or men? The "Someday Saint" is just fine where he is. He is fishing for fish, just as he always does. And the disciples were being "Someday Saints."

The "Borrowed-Time Believer" has that sense of urgency and passion, so he would be out fishing for men. He would not be in the boat, fishing for fish. He would be out in the world taking the gospel of Christ to all who will listen. He would be living on the edge for Jesus.

How about you? Where would you be if you were in their sandals? Would you be in the boat, comfortable where you are, fishing for fish? Or would you be out in the world, out of your comfort zone, fishing for men? Think about it. Amen.

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