Monday, February 13, 2023

How God Speaks

How does God speak to you? With Jeremiah, God spoke to his heart. "Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations'" (Jer. 1:4-5). Did God speak to him verbally? It could be that He did. Many people certainly assume so. What the text says is "the word of the LORD came to me," not "and the LORD said to me." So it may be that God's word was quietly placed upon Jeremiah's heart and mind, not unlike how God often speaks to us today. "A still small voice," like the voice Elijah heard.

Then there was Balaam, prophet for hire. When he was not listening to God, at just the right moment, God spoke to him through a donkey—that's right, a donkey! (Note: Num. 22:22-33). Can you imagine? Balaam had to be beside himself, thinking he was out of his mind! It certainly got his attention. His story is found in Numbers 22 through 24.

Balaam did not run and hide, but he did stray from God. He sought to do his own thing for the sake of money, but God pursued after him to stop him from violating God's trust. God made certain that Balaam did as He instructed, not as Balak wished. In the end, Balaam found that he could not curse Israel as king Balak hired him to do, but instead, he could only bless the people of Israel as God instructed. Offering to turn back (Num. 22:34), "the Angel of the LORD said to Balaam, 'Go with the men, but only the word that I speak to you, that you shall speak'" (v. 35).

During the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when the Pharisees complained about the many disciples declaring Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus said, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out" (Luke 19:40). Nothing is too much for God. Stones are inanimate objects. At least Balaam's donkey was a living, breathing, beast of burden! God used the donkey to get his attention. And it certainly worked. As mysterious as it was, God was calling. And suddenly, Balaam was listening.

Lately in this blog, our Bible Insights have been all about hearing the call of God on your life. Do you hear His call? Do you understand His purpose for your life? When God speaks, are you listening? From the day you are saved to the day you die or are raptured and go to heaven, God's call is on your life. Hearing His call in every area of life is what is important. Be still and listen for God's "still small voice." Amen.

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