Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Build Your Life on Jesus

What if you seek to follow Jesus, for the most part, but you continue to limit God? You continue to draw a line in the sand as to what you will or will not do and where you will or will not go? What then?

We are warned about this in 1 Corinthians 3:9-15. There Paul uses the metaphor of a building: "You are God's building" (v. 9b). The "foundation… which is laid… is Jesus Christ" (v. 11). Upon that foundation we build our lives.

Concerning how we build on the foundation of Jesus Christ in our lives, Paul warns, "But let each one take heed how he builds on it" (v. 10b). Anyone who lives their life in righteousness as God designed it and follows Him in service as He leads, builds on that foundation with "gold, silver, precious stones" (v. 12a). When Christ returns and the work with which he built on that foundation is tested and "revealed by fire" (v. 13), it will endure and "he will receive a reward" (v. 14).

However, when someone refuses to live according to God's design or to do as God leads, he is building on the foundation of Christ with "wood, hay, straw" (v. 12b). Then, when that man's work is "revealed by fire" (v. 13), it will be "burned" and "he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire" (v. 15).

For the believer salvation is secure. However, drawing a line in the sand and limiting God can still be quite costly, rewards can be lost. To have a willing heart for the most part, but putting limits on it, works against what God has for you, and He has great things in store for you. Trust me. So why not make sure you have a willing heart, without limits? Amen.

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