Saturday, June 11, 2022

Righteous Living

Proverbs 13:6 says, "Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless, But wickedness overthrows the sinner." We begin by looking at a few key words as defined by the original Hebrew language: "Righteousness" ( v. 6a) refers to a desire to do right, or upright living. It has to do with living rightly before God. As such "righteousness" (v. 6a), as well as throughout Proverbs, is portrayed as a friend. "Wickedness" (v. 6b), on the other hand, is seen as an enemy. Wickedness seeks to hurt us, while righteousness helps.

"Guards" (v. 6a) has to do with protecting or preserving. "Blameless" (v. 6a) is the word for "integrity," and refers to moral wholeness, or the idea of being without moral blemish. "Overthrows" (v. 6b) means "to turn upside down" or "to overthrow." "Overthrow" is the best translation here.

"Wickedness" (v. 6b) is the opposite of "righteousness" (v. 6a), and refers to anything but living an upright life before God. Rather, it refers directly to a life in rebellion against God. "Sinners" (v. 6b) is obvious, referring to all who are godless.

Note again Proverbs 13:6, "Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless, But wickedness overthrows the sinner." When you have an honest desire to do right and walk in the way of righteousness, your blameless life of integrity will guard you or keep you from fatal mistakes. God watches over the righteous and protects you along life's way.

The wicked, on the other hand, have no such protection from God. The sinner who lives a life of godlessness, from which the love for sin comes forth, will be overthrown or brought down to destruction. The sin with which they rebel against God becomes the snare that catches them and brings them down.

Only a righteous, blameless life will be guarded and blessed by God. Let Jesus help you live uprightly begore God and you will find blessing and strength for the day. Amen.

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