Monday, March 29, 2021

A Life of Obedience

When you are focused on Christ, your life will be a life of obedience to God. "And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things we command you" (2 Thess. 3:4). Or, as the NIV puts it, "We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command." While verse 3 speaks of our trust in Christ because of His faithfulness, verse 4 speaks of our faithfulness to Him as shown in our obedience.

Paul's desire for the Thessalonians was that they would continue to be obedient to the Lord. "You are doing" (v. 4b) refers to the fact that obedience to the Word of the Lord is a way of life for them. Paul then adds, "and will continue to do" (v. 4c), referring to their future. Based on what they were already doing, Paul is "confident" (v. 4a), or persuaded "in the Lord," that they will continue to do what he had taught them. Your union with Christ will guarantee your obedience to the Word of the Lord—"the things we command you" (v. 4d).

You have believed the Word of God, you have been taught the Word of God, you must therefore live in obedience to the Word of God! If your life is focused on Christ, you will live a life of obedience to Him and His Word. As you are taught the Word of God, so obey the Word of God. That is Paul's command. Amen.

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