Tuesday, January 14, 2020

All Fall Short

Last week in Romans 3:10 we saw firsthand the total depravity of mankind. In fact, the first two chapters of Romans and the beginning of the third chapter decribe in great detail the fact that "There is none righteous, no, not one" (Rom. 3:10). In these verses, we see clearly the doctrine of the total depravity of man. In fact, up until this point the Book of Romans has been right down depressing as we have been shown a clear picture of who we are without Christ. Oh how glad I am that God loved me so much that, despite who I was, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in my place on the cross, that I might be forgiven of my sin and have life in His name—life abundant and life eternal.

Certainly all who do not know Christ stand condemned in their sin, facing an eternity totally separated from God in the fires of hell, where they will be tormented forever without end. Oh what a horrible thought! This should be enough to spur on those of us who do know Christ to take Christ to our friends and neighbors who do not know Him. No friendship is worth saving, if it means failing to snatch a friend from the fires of hell.

Continuing on with the "Roman's Road" gospel presentation, Romans 3:23-24 clarifies all of this for us: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." These verses declare that you can be made right before God, but not on your own terms or by your own power. There is nothing you can do to make yourself righteous before God. It is all of God and nothing of you.

God, by His grace, out of His love for you, provided the way to righteousness—Jesus Christ. Only through Him is God's righteousness imputed, or bestowed upon you. When you trust in Jesus and His death on the cross, God places the righteousness of Christ upon you. Then, when you stand one day before the Throne of Judgment, you are justified before God because He will see the righteousness of Christ in you and you will enter into His kingdom forever—all because of God's grace. This is God's great gift to you.

"Sin," or specifically, "sinned" (v. 23a) means "to miss the mark." "Justified" (v. 24a) refers to the idea of "declaring the righteousness of someone." It refers to being made right before God. You are justified—made righteous—as a free gift, by grace, "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (v. 24b).

A gift is something given freely, unearned and unmerited by the recipient. "Grace" (v. 24a) not only reveals God's righteousness, but actually gives His righteousness to those who trust in His Son. "Redemption" (v. 24b) carries the idea of delivering by means of paying a price. It was commonly used of paying a ransom to free a prisoner from his captors or paying the price to free a slave from his master. Only Christ Jesus, who was without sin, could pay the price for your salvation. Only through faith in Christ are you saved and made righteous before God. Amen.

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