Monday, September 16, 2019

Encourage in Love

A life that is committed to Jesus will draw near in faith, it will hold fast in hope, and it will also encourage in love. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." This is talking about fellowship love—truly loving one another. Fellowship love is what defines you as a Christian.

The Jewish believers this was written to were having a hard time letting go of the old way. How often we struggle with much the same thing. Our writer is telling us that one of the best ways to hold fast to the things of God—the real things of God found only in our Lord Jesus Christ—is to be in fellowship with God's people, the church.

That's right! He is saying, "Don't go it alone." Don't try to be a "lone ranger Christian." If you want to draw near in faith, there is no better place than in the church. If you want to hold fast in hope, there is no better place than in the church. In the church you will be loved and encouraged as you seek to follow the Lord Jesus. In the church you can be used of God to love and encourage others as they seek to follow the Lord Jesus.

This is the only place in the book of Hebrews you will find the expression "one another" (v. 24a). We are to encourage each other in our walk of faith. It's not a picture of a leader directing everyone else in what they are to do. All of us are involved. We are to "consider one another" and "to stir up love and good works" (v. 24).

"Love" (v. 24b) is agape love. It is found in only one other place in Hebrews. There it says, "For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister" (Heb. 6:10). With the love of God we minister to one another. In so doing, we "stir up love" (v. 24b) among the brethren and we encourage "good works" (v. 24b).

Note that faith and hope might be able to be practiced alone, but not love. That is why verse 25 follows quickly on the heels of verses 24. Our writer says. "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some" (vs. 24-25a).

Some were going it alone. They were "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together" (v. 25a). By staying away from the church, they could not "stir up love and good works" (v. 24b), nor could they be so encouraged by others. Instead, they left themselves open and vulnerable to the attack of the enemy.

Rather, we are to gather ourselves together quite often, "exhorting one another," (v. 25b), or "encouraging one another" (NASB), "and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (v. 25c, NIV). "The Day approaching" (v. 25c) is the day that Jesus returns. This makes these verses apply to all of us. Every day is a day closer to the coming of the Lord. So each and every day we should be all the more diligent to gather together and encourage each other in love.

The best way to remain strong in faith, hope, and love is by being in fellowship with God's people until Christ returns. Let's face it. We need each other. We need to be in fellowship together on a regular basis if we are to strengthen and encourage each other.

Faith is a life-long commitment. It involves daily drawing near to God in faith and seeking His presence and guidance. It involves daily holding fast in hope to the promises of God and His Word. It involves coming to church at every opportunity to fellowship with other believers and to encourage each other in love and good works. It involves putting all of yourself into all of Christ. Are you letting Christ have all of you? Are you daily living for Him? I pray so. Amen.

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