Monday, July 15, 2019

By Faith You Have Peace with God

Justification brings a wealth of blessings into our lives. God rewards people of faith. God's promises to us are sure. He is faithful and will do everything He promised in His Word.

The first promise He fulfills in us when we trust Christ as our Savior, is peace—peace with God. Note Romans 5:1—"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

"Therefore" (v. 1a) connects us back to chapters three and four, where Paul established that, as believers, we are justified by faith. The verb translated "we have" (v. 1b) is in the present tense, indicating something that is already possessed. As a believer, you already possess "peace with God" (v. 1b). It is something you have by virtue of your justification.

Here, "peace" (v. 1b) is not subjective. It is not referring to a simple "feeling" of peace within you. It is objective. It refers to harmony with God.

We were at war with God. We were "enemies" (Rom. 5:10a) of God. We were in rebellion against God, as evidenced by our sin. But God reconciled us to Himself through the cross of Jesus Christ.

"Through our Lord Jesus Christ" (v. 1b) we were "justified by faith" (v. 1a) and the war with God came to an end. His wrath toward us was removed as a result of our justification. We now "have peace with God" (v. 1b)—a peace that will last through all eternity. Amen.

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