Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Beware of False Beliefs

Be aware! "But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you" (2 Peter 2:1a). False teachers in the church parallel the false prophets of Israel. "The people" (v. 1a; Greek laos, from which we derive our word "laity") is a common reference to Israel. While Israel had a long and glorious history of true prophets, false or lying prophets often arose and plagued the people. They were well groomed to look the part, and they sounded both good and believable. What they said was couched in terms that seemed biblical, though it was not. What they taught was filled with lies and innuendos, intended only to deceive and mislead the people. So, be aware!

"Even as," or "in like manner" (NASB), Peter warned, "there will be false teachers among you" (v. 1a). It must be expected. Do not be caught unaware. As Paul warned the elders of the church in Ephesus, "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves" (Acts 20:29-30). Be aware! Do not get caught off guard only to be led astray by false teaching.

Throughout history, true prophets have spoken the truth of God's Word to His people. Yet throughout history, Satan has used false prophets to try to obscure or contaminate the message God has for His people. As messengers of Satan, false prophets use lies and deception in their calculated, systematic attack on the truth. Unfortunately, throughout history, false prophets, or false teachers, have always plagued God’s flock. So, be aware!

Jesus warned His disciples that in the last days the church would have to endure many false teachers: "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many" (Matt. 24:4-5). And Paul instructed Timothy, "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables" (2 Tim. 4:2-4). Be aware!

John MacArthur explains: "False teachers arise when the church begins to embrace the worldly culture around it. As a result, congregations no longer desire to "endure [hold to] sound [healthy] doctrine." God-centered worship and preaching is replaced by man-centered antics and entertainment. A biblical emphasis on sin, repentance, and holiness is replaced by an emphasis on self-esteem and felt needs. People look for teachers who proclaim only pleasant, positive ideas "in accordance to their own desires" because they want "to have their ears tickled." As a result, these popular teachers (whom "they will accumulate for themselves") will "turn" the minds of the people from the truth, leaving them vulnerable to Satan's deceptive influence." (John MacArthur, Jr., MacArthur New Testament Commentary: 2 Peter & Jude, [Moody Press: Chicago, 2005], 70)

Be aware! False teachers will arise in the church. It is a matter of biblical fact. The church is actually one of Satan's main spheres of operation. Because that is true, every true shepherd, every true pastor, every true elder, must always be on guard—always studying the Word, preaching it faithfully, and defending the truth, and always "holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict" (Titus 1:9). Be aware!

Be Alert! These false teachers are those "who will secretly bring in destructive heresies" (2 Peter 2:1b). False teachers in the church operate covertly (in secret). They secretly infiltrate the church and "secretly bring in" (v. 1b), or literally in the Greek, "secretly introduce" (NASB) or "smuggle in" their false doctrines. They are dishonest, never revealing anything about their agenda. If known, the church would reject them and their teaching outright. They secretly enter the church and work their way into positions of leadership. Jude describes them as "certain persons [who] have crept in unnoticed" (Jude 4). Literally in the Greek, they "slip in without being seen," or "sneak in under false pretenses" (Ibid). Be alert! Judge everything by the Word, exposing falsehood.

Once in positions of leadership, false teachers introduce "destructive heresies" (2 Peter 2:1b), or literally, "heresies of destruction." "Destructive," in Greek, means "utter ruin," referring to the final and eternal condemnation of the wicked. In this context, it indicates that the false teachings have eternal consequences that are disastrous, both for them and their followers (Ibid, 71). Be alert! Expose heresy!

"Heresies" (v. 1b) denotes "an opinion, especially a self-willed opinion, which is substituted for submission to the power of truth, and leads to division and the formation of sects" (W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Volumw 2, [London: Oliphants, 1940; reprint, Chicago: Moody, 1985], 217). The false teachers had exchanged the truth for their own opinions. They had distorted the truth to their own ends, and had convinced the gullible to believe their lies. Their teaching was a religious counterfeit—a pseudo-Christian knockoff that claims to be biblical but is quite the opposite. Be alert! Don’t be fooled by counterfeit doctrine.

Be separate! False teachers are known for "even denying the Lord who bought them" (v. 1c). False teachers in the church deny Christ. "Denying" (v. 1c) is a strong term meaning "to refuse, to be unwilling, to firmly say no" (MacArthur, 72). Final answer? No! Christ is firmly rejected, along with the gospel. The false teachers have a habit of refusing Christ and rejecting God's authority. Be separate! Remain true to Christ.

"Lord" (v. 1c) is a word that refers to sovereignty. It is the sovereign Lord of creation whom they reject. The false teachers adamantly deny the lordship of Jesus Christ. They reject the very one who paid the penalty for their sins—the one "who bought them" (v. 1c). Be separate! Remember who it is that paid the penalty for your sin.

"Who bought them" (v. 1c) refers to the fact that Jesus "bought" the false teachers, in that He died for the sins of the whole world, though that does not mean they were saved. Salvation does not occur until the benefits of Christ's work on the cross are applied to someone by the regeneration of the Spirit and belief in the truth. Salvation comes when the work of the cross is applied to those who believe. Be separate! Believe on Jesus, that He died for you and rose again for you. Believe and be saved!

Be Patient! The false teachers "bring on themselves swift destruction" (v. 1d). False teachers in the church are being judged. The false teachers, by rejecting the sovereign lordship of Jesus Christ, will face "swift destruction" (v. 1d) unless they repent. "Swift" (v. 1d) means “quick or imminent," and "destruction" (v. 1d) refers to eternal damnation in hell. Be patient! False teachers will meet their end.

To "bring on themselves swift destruction" (v. 1d) does not refer to the extinction of existence. It refers to an everlasting state of death where one is in constant torment. It will be "swift" because it will descend suddenly, either at death or at the return of Christ. Be patient! Their destruction will be swift!

So, beware of false beliefs. Don't fall into the trap of false teaching. It may sound good, but in the end it is destructive. Know the Word thoroughly, and you will reccognize false teaching. Then expose it so others don't get caught in the trap. Amen.

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