Monday, February 19, 2018

Practice Virtues that Are Christlike

Last week I spoke of two options in life for every Christian: (1) a life of joy and confidence in the Lord, being assured of salvation, or (2) a life robbed of all joy and confidence in the Lord, lacking assurance of salvation. Choose the positive option: a life of joy and confidence in the Lord, being assured of salvation.

Pursue virtues that are Christlike. Practice virtues that are Christlike. "Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble" (2 Peter 1:10). How do you "make your call and election sure?" By being "even more diligent" (v. 10a) in doing what verses 5-7 said: Add to your faith virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. The practice of these virtues helps your heart be assured of salvation. So, "be even more diligent" spiritually (v. 10a) to know and enjoy eternal salvation.

"Diligent" (v. 10a) is the verb for the noun "diligence" used in verse 5, and again it conveys urgency and eagerness. To emphasize our right to enjoy assurance of salvation, Peter speaks not of our faith, but God's sovereign choice. By practicing the virtues that are Christlike, we can make certain, or validate, or confirm, God's call and His choosing of us.

"Sure" (v. 10a) is reflexive, indicating that we are to assure ourselves. Calling and choosing are inseparable realities indicating God's effectual call of believers to salvation based on His sovereign election of them in eternity past. Peter's concern is that we have confidence and assurance that we are included in the elect. That is why he speaks here from God's side of the equation. God knows His elect, He knows who are His, and His elect should enjoy the knowledge that they are His.

Practice these things. Increasingly pursue these virtues that Peter put forth as essential to holy living. These virtues assure our hearts that we belong to God. They assure us of our salvation in Christ. Enjoy the assurance that God has granted you eternal life.

Practice refers to the pattern of daily conduct. Peter said, "For if you do these things you will never stumble" (v. 10b). Practice the virtues given here, and you will stand firm in full assurance of salvation. You will not stumble into doubt or despair, but will enjoy an abundant and productive spiritual life.

"For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (v. 11). "For so" (v. 11a), or "in this way" (NASB), refers to our constant pursuit of holiness and the blessings of our assurance of salvation that we receive as a result. It refers to the perseverance that comes to us as a result as well. It sets up the remainder of the verse that speaks of our entrance into heaven.

Because of our pursuit of holiness, because of our pursuit of these Christlike virtues, the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to us. The assurance of entering the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior is the experience of every Christian who pursues, possesses, and practices the virtues Peter has listed.

That was great encouragement to Peter's readers, to the weary saints who were scattered throughout Asia Minor because of persecution. No believer should live with doubt regarding salvation, because assurance of salvation is abundantly supplied right now to those who pursue, possess, and practice these virtues that Peter listed here. A rich heavenly reward awaits all who practice these virtues.

Pursue these Christlike virtues. Possess them. Let them become a part of who you are. Practice godliness through the practice of these things, and the entrance into heaven will be abundantly supplied to you. Know that you belong to the Lord, and know that you will be with the Lord forever. Amen.

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