Monday, October 30, 2017

Ruth's Example: Trust God's Protection

Like Naomi, Ruth is also a woman of active faith. In Ruth 3:6-9, we see Ruth literally taking refuge under God's wings as she ventures forward in faith to put Naomi's plan into action: "So she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law instructed her" (v. 6). Ruth followed closely Naomi's instructions, all the while trusting in God's protection.

"After Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was cheerful, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain; and she came softly, uncovered his feet, and lay down" (v. 7). "At midnight" Boaz awoke and there she was "lying at his feet" (v. 8). Boaz asked who she was (v. 9a) and Ruth responded, "I am Ruth, your maidservant. Take your maidservant under your wing, for you are a close relative" (v. 9b).

Behind these highly unusual actions lay a sincere trust in God’s care and protection. Faith always grows when it acts on the basis of what the Lord has already accomplished and provided. Based on what the Lord has already done for her, Ruth's request in verse 9 includes the use of the word "wing," the same word Boaz used in Ruth 2:12 when he said, "The LORD repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge."

"Under your wing" (v. 9b), most likely refers to the corner of the garment or blanket which covered Boaz. If that is so, then Ruth's request is for more than protection. It is an appeal to Boaz to marry her so that they will share the same covering. In the context, this seems to be the most likely meaning, as she reminds him that he is "a close relative" (v. 9b), or a "kinsman-redeemer." She is asking him to act upon this truth of God's Word.

Knowing that Boaz is a man of God, Ruth asks him to provide for her and to protect her, just as God has been leading him to do. In this, she provides a pattern for our faith. In order to move forward spiritually, there are moments when we have to trust the Word of God's promise and venture out in faith. There are many times when we cannot see how it is going to work out, but that is no reason not to trust God, commit our way to Him, and act upon our faith.

Sometimes we seem to be sitting down and waiting for an awful long time, because we are always requiring God to show us more before we launch out and trust Him. It is possible to be so afraid of making mistakes that we do nothing. But provided our lives are in a right relationship with God and we honestly want to go His way and not our own, He gives us permission to launch out in faith, to risk for His sake. God honors the heart that is set on attempting great things for Him because it expects great things from Him.

Here we see that blend of faith and action. Naomi followed God's Word and Ruth trusted God's protection. We must act by faith in the same manner. Amen.

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