Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Battle Ready

Hi everyone! I missed my entry yesterday because my routine changed. Friday morning Mayo Clinic called at 3:00 am to tell us to head to the clinic because they had a liver available for Barb. We were in shock, but we headed to Rochester, Minnesota and she was in surgery by 9:30 am. Barb is doing good and is ahead of schedule as far as normal recovery is concerned. Pray that all continues to go good and that her body does not reject the liver. It came from a young man and was declared by the doctor to be a very healthy liver. In his words, it was "a beautiful liver." Now on to today's Bible Insight!

Spiritual warfare is an everyday reality for the Christian. You may not realize it, but a battle is brewing over you. Satan and his demons, the "principalities" and "powers," "the rulers of the darkness of this age," the "spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12), however you refer to them, are after your soul. This enemy comes against you in any way possible to prevent you from following and remaining faithful to God.

But you have an advocate, one who battles for you in the spiritual fight. Jesus Christ is your advocate with the Father. He intercedes on your behalf and He leads the battle as His angels bring the fight against Satan in the heavenly places. If you could roll back the screen between heaven and earth, as you go through hard times and face a spiritual battle on earth, you just might see a parallel battle in the heavenly places where the angels of God are battling Satan and his demons on your behalf. And as the battle is won in the heavenly places, so too you begin to see victory in your battle on earth.

That is where Ephesians 6:16-17 comes in. Verses 14-15 introduced the first three pieces of God’s armor that He has provided for every believer to equip them for this spiritual warfare. With the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the boots of the gospel of peace you can take your stand against the enemy forces and hold the fort of faith, so to speak. Standing on the truth, living in righteousness, and resting in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, you can stand firm in the faith.

Now, when the battle heats up in life, there are three more pieces of God’s armor that He has provided for us to help us in the fight. Note verses 16-17: "Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." "Above all," in addition to the first three attributes of truth, righteousness, and the gospel, take up three more attributes: faith, salvation, and the Word of God.

Through thick and thin, no matter what, take up faith. Live by faith. In this context, faith refers to more than simply belief in basic Christian doctrine. It refers to a basic trust in God. It is faith in action. It is taking the doctrines we say we believe and living them out in your life. It is faith that trusts in Christ for daily provision and help. It is faith that lives in obedience to God and His Word. It is faith that trusts God completely in all things and at all times. It is faith that seeks to become more like Jesus. It is life lived in righteousness by faith. It is the protective shield of faith. And this faith is reliable because Christ is reliable.

This is the only piece of armor for which its effect is given. With the shield of faith you are "able to quench all the fiery darts" the enemy might throw at you. Every temptation Satan fires at us, his "fiery darts," is an attempt to get us to distrust God. He seeks to drive a wedge between us and Christ at every turn. He even tempted Jesus to distrust God in the wilderness (Matt. 4:3-10). In every instance, Jesus fought back in faith by quoting Scripture. Faith is the shield that extinguishes all the "fiery darts.”

 "Take the helmet of salvation" (v. 17a). "The helmet" is related to salvation, indicating that Satan directs his attacks at our eternal security, our assurance of salvation in Christ. Like the soldier’s sword, Satan’s broadsword has two sharp edges: discouragement and doubt. He points out every negative thing in our life in order to make us lose heart, to become discouraged, and to take our eyes off of Jesus, putting our focus only on our troubles. He swings at the head trying to decapitate our faith. His blows are deflected as we stand secure in our salvation in Christ.

Finally, "the sword of the Spirit" is identified as "the word of God" (v. 17b). The context reveals that it is a spiritual weapon to be used in our struggle against spiritual enemies. Literally, it is "the words that come from God" (NEB). It is the God-breathed Word that is our guide and our best weapon. Learn the Word, know the Word, quote the Word, and win the victory. Amen.

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